Golden Valley Grape Juice and Wine

Lamanuzzi & Pantaleo families, Proprietors
Welcome to Lamanuzzi & Pantaleo, where wine is what we know. Since our beginning in 1942, our families have grown, packed, produced and marketed the finest quality wine grapes and wine products on the market. From the beginning, our commitment was to quality, and we made this commitment because many of our early customers were families much like our own. Today, though we have grown into providing 100% pure California grapes, grape juice products and wine grape concentrates to both the home winemaking market and to the commercial and industrial markets, our commitment is the same – because for us it is not just a business, it is a family tradition.
We ask that you browse our website where you can explore that wide variety of our home winemaking and the commercial and industrial market products, get the how to's on making wine at home, take a tour of one of our facilities, or learn about the distinct qualities of each of the many various types of wine and wine grapes. Maybe you have never made wine at home and want to find out where you can get started; or maybe you are established in the industry, and are looking to introduce a new product. Either way, visit the Contact Us Link where we can assist you in finding a solution to meet your needs.
For over fifty years Lamanuzzi & Pantaleo has brought to the market only the freshest, purest, high quality products. It has been not only our commitment to you, but to ourselves. We are proud of our fine products, for from fine products comes fine wine. And, when all is said is done, it is the wine alone that really matters.
From the Lamanuzzi & Pantaleo Families...